Thursday, September 4, 2008

Better Late than Never!

Well I feel like I am a little behind on updating (thanks to a certain someone), but I'm back. This week has been absolutely crazy. I started my on campus job this week in the Education Dept. It's kind of nice to work in the same department as my major because I get to see my teachers as actual humans. And I've discovered that most of them aren't as organized as they seem to be! Tuesday was just another day of classes, practice, and HOT weather. It was awful outside! The heat index was 98 and the high humidity just made it an unpleasant day. So needless to say, golf practice was yucky! Yesterday was my first day of being with my future student teacher. I am placed at the local High School here in town and after 5 minutes of being in the hallway with those students it made me realize 1- I'm freakin old, 2- High school kids are little smart asses, and 3- I really think I want to teach middle school or elementary. When I told a few of my teachers here at IC, they all said that with my personality they could see that coming. Going into this, I really thought I wanted to teach HS, but now I'm thinking younger kids is my thing. Last night I had my ungodly LONG nightclass from 6:30 to 10. I'm not sure how many powerpoint lectures and videos I can sit through in one semester. But like Heather said, it'll be over before I even know it.
The past few days it has poured here! We've been in a flash flood warning for the last 2 days. Tomorrow morning I leave at 8 am for two golf tourneys this weekend. I hope the weather isn't as bad 2 hours north of here or else that will make for a long weekend of golf. Well I don't think there's been anything else exciting going on.
Today's quote is from the movie School of Rock! It makes me laugh everytime.
"My name is Dewey Finn. And, no, I'm not a licensed teacher, but I have been touched by your kids. And I'm pretty sure I've touched them."

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey, just had to be said!!!!